A physically optimised human sets the stage for high performance in all areas of your life. 


We must be physiologically, psychologically and spiritually aligned to have good mental health. 


All areas of our life must be lived with purpose, aligned with our skills, wants, and inner truth. 


Ben Coomber is a multi-award winning nutritionist, high performance health coach and international speaker.

He's also a best-selling author of ‘How to live an Awesome Life’, and the CEO of Awesome Supplements – a 16x award winning supplement company redefining supplements for human health and performance.

Optimal human performance is what underpins all Ben’s work, from his online content, to his podcast ‘The Awesome Human’, to the people he aims to inspire from a stage, TV or podcast.

This has all stemmed from Ben’s journey in himself trying to be the most AWESOME Human possible...



“I started my adult life obese, suffering with ADHD, asthma, eczema, and IBS, while being bullied through my whole school life.

Wanting to break free and realise my potential as a young man, I embarked on a fitness journey that changed my life.

Eight months later I had lost 5.5 stone of weight. A transformation that made me obsessed with human potential, as that journey had fuelled a belief in me that I could achieve anything.

19 years later it's been a journey of growth, discovery, and me living and breathing human optimisation every day. All of which has culminated in my theories in us becoming AWESOME Humans." 

Download the Awesome Human Blueprint


Over the years, I've gained a wealth of knowledge through extensive study and university research. My travels around the world, both for pleasure and to teach, have broadened my perspective. 

I've coached thousands of people, spoken on over 100 stages, devoured over 500 books, and wrote 2 of my own. But perhaps the greatest lessons have come from life's ultimate teacher: the journey itself.

Book me to Speak at an Event or on a Podcast


 - Losing 5.5 stone (2004)

- Dealing with IBS (2005), ADHD (2011), Asthma (2003) Eczema (2003), Long Covid (2021), Testosterone Deficiency (2022),      Depression (2023)

- Building 3 stone of muscle (2008-2012)

- Coaching 1000s of people (2009-today) 

- Training over 1000 nutrition coaches (2013-2024)

- Winning nutrition coach of the year 2021 and 2022 

- Winning health contributor 2019 

- Winning Lifestyle Coaching CEO of the year 2023 

- Building a #1 rated podcast that spanned 10 years and 685 episodes (2012-2022)

- Become a #1 best-selling author (2023) 

- Travelling the world speaking on over 100 stages 

- Consulting and speaking for major corporates such as M&S, Sky, O2, Twinnings Tea, England Rugby and HSBC

- A few TV appearances 

- Building several companies all in the health and nutrition sector

- Fought bankruptcy twice (2017 & 2022) 

- Became a dad of 2 girls 

All while continuing to live a life of health, purpose, adventure, and presence.

This is what I call being an Awesome Human, and I'm here to inspire you to do the same... 

Download The Awesome Human Blueprint

"I followed your advice from The Awesome Human Blueprint to the tee. I've gone from a 54 to a 81 in 5 weeks, I'm feeling AWESOME."

Holly Church

"I've been following ben for over 10 years, and I learn something new off him almost every day! I love his weekly emails."

Martin Marino