I'm a big fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, he's been successful at nearly everything he's done, so there is a lot to learn from him.
I've read all his b...
Entrepreneurs, A-type personalities and athletes – please don’t do this…
These 3 types of people, which I would class myself as all 3 (or I was befor...
If you follow my work it’s a known fact I want to live till I’m 100 years old and beyond, I mean, why wouldn’t you?
If you’re not that bothered abou...
Living a healthy, fit, AWESOME life is helped by useful gadgets, and its good to know of companies that are making awesome products, apps and technolo...
Every day I get emails, tweets and messages from people asking me how I do things. What I eat for breakfast, what foods I do and don't eat, what suppl...
Having been a coach in the fitness industry for 16 years I can hand on heart say that most people, including myself, don’t generally have a lack of kn...
If you’re not getting the results you want with your health and fitness right now are you willing to do a little test with me?
This is a test I used ...
If you want to learn and master new skills you have to read, or listen to books/podcasts/videos that explore the world and what we believe in.
I wou...
I am 100% recovered from Long Covid, HARRAH. It’s been 3 months symptom free now (updated as of *28/11/22, 9 months symptoms free now), and I’ve retur...